Music Ministries
Join together in song under the direction of our Director of Music Ministries, Greg Castano. New members are always welcome.
Adult Choir
We are a choir composed of men and women of all ages and musical skills. The choir typically sings at the Sunday morning 11:00am Mass. it also sings for all our major Liturgies and Feasts. Our repertoire is large and varied, from songs and anthems from the Renaissance period all the way to contemporary christian music. The choir rehearses on Sunday morning before Mass at 10:15am.
Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted Parish uses the OCP (Oregon Catholic Press) music program. The assembly uses the Breaking Bread Missalettes and the Respond and Acclaim for our Responsorial Psalms.

Our cantors participate in leading the assembly in songs for our youth celebrations, children's Masses and other Masses as well. We have both adult and youth cantors in our program.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir is comprised of young parishioners from the Waltham Public Schools and Our Lady's Academy. The Youth Choir sings at the 9:00am Mass on Sunday mornings; as well as for Christmas, Easter and other major celebrations throughout the year. In addition, the members of the Youth Choir belonging to Our Lady's Academy join in the Our Lady's Academy Choir which sings for all school celebrations such as First Friday masses, special school masses, Marian celebrations and school graduation.
We rehearse on Sunday morning at 8:15am prior to the 9:00am mass. Our repertoire is adapted to youth and family masses, including Christian contemporary songs, traditional hymns and modern songs from the Catholic repertoire.