Waltham, MA
Here at Our Lady's, we are blessed to have a loyal group of altar servers, ranging from grade 4 to adult. This group has grown over the past twelve years. They add to the beauty of the Mass through their dignified and thoughtful service. The servers also participate in other parish events such as Adoration and Prayer Services, school Masses and weddings. They also reach out beyond the parish by serving the Catholic TV Mass and participating in the Archdiocesan services at the Cathedral.
Training takes place at least twice a year and also when necessary to train interested children between the formal training sessions. Our veteran servers mentor the younger ones and are involved as instructors in the training program.
Parents of our servers have been very supportive. Responding to requests, driving the children to church, attending the training sessions and being available as needs arise. Over the past years, parents have joined their children as altar servers for Sunday and Holy Week Masses.
Fr. DiPerri goes out of his way in his support of the altar servers and their families. As a way of thanks, he has hosted the altar servers, their parents and siblings to barbeques, pizza parties and an annual trip to Canobie Lake Park in early Summer. The parent chaperones who attend all activities have a good time as well.
If you are interested in being an Altar Server, please email Paul Loscocco at pfal@rcn.com or contact the parish office at 781-894-3481x2 or at parish@olca.org.
Men and women, 18 years or older, who assist at weekend Mass and/or at Funeral Masses to enhance the worship of our faith community. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish office at 781-894-3481 x2 or at parish@olca.org.
Rosary and Meditation the first Saturday of each month at 3:15pm in the church.
Lectors are those who proclaim the Word of the Lord at Mass. Volunteers for this ministry are always welcome. Training is provided. Please contact Joyce Gianfelice via email resolute107@verizon.net or the parish office at parish@olca.org.
Join together in song under the direction of our Director of Music Ministries, Greg Castano. Our parish has an Adult Choir that sings at the 11:00am Sunday Mass and a Youth Choir that sings at the 9:00am Mass.
The Cantors/Leaders of Songs proclaim the Psalm from the Ambo and Lead the Congregation in Song. Rehearsals take place usually on Wednesday or Thursday evenings. New members are always welcome.
If interested, please contact Greg Castano at music@olca.org or the parish office, 781-894-3481 x2 or parish@olca.org.
Parish volunteers who love music and liturgy in a fellowship atmosphere. The choir sings at the 11:00am Mass and at all major celebrations throughout the year.
Youth from our parish who sing for the 9:00am Childrens/family Mass. Rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons at 2:30pm and Sunday morning's before Mass at 8:15am.
A highly trained group of young vocalists singing a vast repertoire from plain-chant to contemporary. The Schola sings at different masses and celebrations.
The cantors are volunteers from the parish who serve as leader of song in leading the congregation in singing and as cantors in proclaiming the Word from the ambo when singing the Psalm.
This person prepares the altar for the Mass and cleans the altar following the Mass. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Paul Loscocco at pfal@rcn.com or the parish office at parish@olca.org
The Usher Ministry supports our celebration of Mass assisting them to find seating (if need be) or other church facilities i.e. restrooms etc. They distribute bulletins to departing churchgoers afterward. They look after the needs of the congregation during the Mass, adjusting ventilation or heating and assisting in any emergency which may arise. Men and women of the parish are always welcome to volunteer for this ministry. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email parish@olca.org.
Ongoing formation in the Catholic Faith is offered to persons of all ages as well as children from grade 1 to grade 10. Contact Elizabeth Pettine at 781-894-3481 x3 or email religiouseducation@olca.org
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process in which adults or children over the age of reason (usually 7 years or older) desiring to explore the Catholic faith come together to learn, pray, and share life experiences in order to come to know our loving God. With the support of the parish community and working with a team of adult catechists, people interested in preparing for any/all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation) will be guided to a deeper understanding and relationship with God lived out through the Church.
By sharing faith conviction, spiritual insights, and enthusiasm for their life within the Church, they help others who are exploring what it means to be Catholic to come to a sense of what a Catholic faith commitment could mean to them, and in many cases, to make that commitment for themselves. Anyone interested in journeying through faith to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, please contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or at parish@olca.org and someone from the RCIA team reach out to you.
We welcome all who want to journey in faith, realizing that we all come with our own life experiences. Whatever your background, you are welcome and valued.
RCIA meets after the 9am Mass every Sunday YEAR-ROUND from 10:00 to 11:30am in the Parish Conference room at Our Lady's Academy. Contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or at parish@olca.org and someone from the RCIA team reach out to you.
If you have completed the sacraments of initiation and are willing to share your faith with others, please contact us and consider joining our RCIA team.
Parents and godparents are prepared for the upcoming celebration of baptism of an infant or a child. The ongoing Catholic faith formation of the one to be baptized is also stressed. If you would like to schedule a Baptism, call 781-894-3481 x7 or call the parish office 781-894-3481 x2 and someone will get back to you.
Participate every other month in the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen in Waltham that provides meals for the needy of Waltham. If interested, contact the parish office, 781-894-3481 x2 and someone contact you.
Assists the needy of the parish and Waltham through our food pantry or via food vouchers. Food collections are the third weekend of each month. If you need help, contact the parish office, 781-894-3481 x2 and someone contact you.
Assists the homebound in many different ways, bringing them Holy Communion at their house, hospital or nursing home rooms. Contact the parish office if you would be interested in this ministry.
Assists the needy of the parish community through a food pantry, clothing drives and other events. If you need help please contact St. Vincent dePaul direct at stvincentdepaulolca@gmail.com or contact the parish office, 781-894-3481 x2 or email parish@olca.org and someone contact you.
The Activities Committee is a group of volunteers from Our Lady's Parish that plans various social events within the parish and provides service to the surrounding community. We meet on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Parish Conference Room. Enter the building via the main school entrance parking lot near the Holy Family Statue. If interested, contact the parish office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email parish@olca.org.
Volunteers who meet every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm during the summer months to help maintain and beautify our parish and school property. If interested, contact Joyce Gianfelice via email resolute109@verizon.net or call the parish office 781-894-3481 x2 or email parish@olca.org.
Are you over 18 years old? Would you like to help your family, your parish and/or your community? Why not join our council? If you could give up watching T.V. for just two hours a month you could help us help others. It’s easy. Meet one of our Knights in the foyer of the church after any Mass or email olkofc@olca.org.