Our Lady's Knights of Columbus Council #14710
Our Lady's Knights of Columbus Council #14710 hosts events throughout the year that benefit the families of our parish and community. A few of these events include pasta dinners, Christmas wreath sales, Christmas ornament sales, blood drives and fundraisers for intellectually disadvantaged children. We also add general support for parish activities.
So much is done behind the scenes and we encourage any men over the age of 18 to come see what we are all about. You can talk to any Knight after any weekend Mass.
Are you over 18 years old? Would you like to help your family, your parish, your community? Why not join our council? If you could give up watching T.V. for just two hours a month you could help us help others. Meet one of our Knights after any Mass or email olcakofc@gmail.com.
There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that is what Knights do every day.
Charitable Donations Include
Local Efforts: College Scholarships, OLCA Academy Scholarships, Seminarian Scholarships
Pro-life Efforts: Donations are made annually to various Pro-Life organizations.
Coats for Kids: Through fundraising, we purchase high quality boys and girls winter coats for families in need. Coats are distributed to agencies, school, St. Vincent dePaul as well as individuals in need. Due to the Knights' national organization, we are able to purchase high quality coats at a very reasonable cost.
College Scholarship Program
For the past five years Our Lady’s Knights of Columbus Council has awarded over $12,000 in a variety of scholarships to students from Our Lady’s Academy and Our Lady’s Parish.
The competitive College Scholarship Program, initiated four years ago, is offered to parishioners who are entering their first year of college or technical school. Candidates must be faithful parishioners of Our Lady’s Church, who attend Sunday Mass, and actively participate in Our Lady’s parish life.
For 2024-25, the council was pleased to present scholarship awards to Antania Perera, (University of Massachusetts), Maria Frenna, (Regis College) and Patrick and Preston O’Connell (Massachusetts Maritime Academy). Congratulations and God Bless!
The program for 2025 will be announced in the spring. Please look for the announcement in the parish bulletin and here on the website.