Memorials - Remembering Loved Ones or Special Intentions

Memorial Candle
Remember those you have lost or remember special intentions through a memorial donation of our Annual Memorial Candle Stands. The candles are $250 per year. Candles are reserved for one year with two renewal months; either November to November or May to May.
If you would like to purchase a candle or would like more information, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Stained Glass Window
Remember a loved one through the illumination of the Stained Glass Window located above the main entrance of Our Lady's Church. The donation is $50 for the window to remain illuminated for one week in memory of your loved one.
For more information or to schedule, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Blessed Mother Statue (Outside Blessed Mother Garden)
Remember a loved one through the illumination of the Blessed Mother Statue located in the garden outside the main entrance of Our Lady's Church. The donation is $50 for the window to remain illuminated for one week in memory of your loved one.
For more information or to schedule, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Bread and Wine
Remember a loved one through the Body and Blood of Christ offered at every Mass. The donation is $50 for the memorial for one week in memory of your loved one.
For more information or to schedule, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Sanctuary Lamp
Remember a loved one through the lighting of the Sanctuary Candle located on the altar to the right of the Tabernacle in Our Lady's Church. The donation is $50 for the lighting of the candle for one week in memory of your loved one.
For more information or to schedule, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Blessed Mother Statue (Inside Sanctuary)
Remember a loved one through the illumination of the Blessed Mother Statue located on the right of the altar in the Sanctuary. The donation is $50 for the illumination for one week in memory of your loved one.
For more information or to schedule, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Sacred Heart Statue (Inside Sanctuary)
Remember a loved one through the illumination of the Sacred Heart Statue located on the left of the altar in the Sanctuary. The donation is $50 for the illumination for one week in memory of your loved one.
For more information or to schedule, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Memorial Guild Remembrance
The Memorial Guild is a hard cover Mass Card given in memory of the deceased. The deceased loved one will be remembered monthly with this memorial forever. The donation is $25.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email

Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is located in the main foyer at the main entrance of Our Lady's Church. One tree on each side. The donation of a leaf in memory of a loved one or a special intention. The cost of each leaf is $1,000.
For more information or to order, contact the Parish Office at 781-894-3481 x2 or email