Altar Servers
Altar Servers - Youth
Here at Our Lady's, we are blessed to have a loyal group of altar servers, spanning grade 4 to adult. They add to the beauty of the Mass through their dignified and thoughtful service. Our servers not only participate in the parish and school Masses, adoration, prayer services, and weddings, but also, beyond the parish by serving the Catholic TV Mass.
There is always a need for additional altar servers. A strong cadre of servers ensures continued support over the years.
More Details
Altar serving is open to students at grade 4 and above. Training takes place at least twice a year and when necessary to train interested children between the two formal training sessions. Subsequently, they will then receive on-the-job training, serving as observers on the altar, and taking on tasks as they feel comfortable. The senior student servers assist the instructor in providing all the instruction. The students will also serve with your child to help them grow in experience and confidence.
The altar servers have the opportunity to serve on weekend and/or school Masses. Each server will be scheduled, on average, 1 to 2 Masses per month. It has been our practice that family plans always take precedence over the schedule. The parent completes a registration form that gives us background on the server and helps our communication.
Parents of our servers have been very supportive. responding to requests, driving the children to church, and being available as needs arise. Over the past years, parents have joined their children as altar servers for Sunday and Holy Week Masses.
As with all the other ministries at Our Lady's our parish is very supportive of the altar servers and their families. The parish hosts the altar servers, their parents and siblings to several socials (ice cream; pizza) and the annual trip to Canobie Lake Park in June.
If you have questions, or would like some additional information, you can reach out to any of the altar servers, contact the Paul Loscocco, Altar Server Coordinator at, or Deirdre Curtin at who has had five children as altar servers at Our Lady’s.
The instructor is Paul Loscocco, a long-time parishioner and church sacristan, who has been training the altar servers at Our Lady’s for over 18 years. He is a former elementary and middle school teacher and principal, past Grand Knight of the Our Lady’s Knights of Columbus, and former member of our Parish Pastoral Council.
Altar Servers - Adult
Men and women, 18 years and older, assist at weekend Mass and/or at funeral Masses to enhance the worship of our faith community. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish office at 781-894-3481 x2 or at