Altar Servers - Youth
Here at Our Lady's, we are blessed to have a loyal group of altar servers, ranging from grade 4 to adult. The group has been growning over the past fifteen years. They add to the beauty of the Mass through their dignified and thoughtful service. Not only do the servers participate in other parish events such as Adoration and Prayer Services, school Masses and weddings, but also reach out beyond the parish by serving the Catholic TV Mass and participating in the Archdiocesan services at the Cathedral.
Training takes place at least twice a year and also when necessary to train interested children between the formal training sessions. Our veteran servers mentor the younger ones and are involved as instructors in the training program.
Parents of our servers have been very supportive. Responding to requests, driving the children to church, attending the training sessions and being available as needs arise. Over the past years, parents have joined their children as altar servers for Sunday and Holy Week Masses.
As with all the other ministries at Our Lady's our parish is very supportive of the altar servers and their families. The parish hosts the altar servers, their parents and siblings to barbecues, several pizza parties and an annual trip to Canobie Lake Park in June.
Whatever time of year there is always a need for additional altar servers. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, talk to one of the present servers or contact Paul Loscocco at, 781- 820-2063.
Altar Servers - Adult
Men and women, 18 years or older, who assist at weekend Mass and/or at Funeral Masses to enhance the worship of our faith community. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the Parish Office Manager, at 781-894-3481 or at