Religious Education for Grades 1-8

Our Religious Education Program for Grades 1 – 8 is the beginning of a life-long journey to fully embrace the rich beauty of our Catholic faith. We never stop growing in ways to live as a disciple of Christ every day!

Through our classroom instruction, service projects, and field trips, the youth of our parish are shown the paths to learn of God’s love for us and to share God’s gifts with their family and others. The children learn to pray at home and to celebrate with our Church community at Mass on Sundays and Holy days. They learn to honor Mary, Our Mother and all the saints. They learn to thank, praise and honor God and listen to the Word of God in the readings at Mass. They learn of the Sacraments and all of our Catholic traditions, practices and doctrine. By developing these good habits of discipleship, our children learn to live as active, committed and educated members of the Catholic Church on their own faith journeys.

First Penance

Children in the Religious Education Program and Our Lady's Academy typically make their First Penance in Grade Two, however children in older grades also prepare to make their First Penance if they need to do so. The children learn that God wants us to stay close to Him and He will forgive our sins when we are truly sorry for them. They learn that through the Sacrament of Penance and God’s forgiveness, we are at peace with God, ourselves and others.

First Holy Communion

Children in the Religious Education Program and Our Lady's Academy typically make their First Holy Communion in Grade Two, however children in older grades also prepare to make their First Holy Communion if they need to do so. The children learn that through the power of the Holy Spirit and the action of the priest, simple bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. The children learn that by receiving the Host they receive Jesus Himself. They learn to welcome Jesus into their hearts and they are united with the whole Church, the Body of Christ, through the Eucharist.